Nationalism Found Natural Expression in Music Among Other Arts

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The Romantic Period of Music

Inquire near people what they consider a romantic song, and yous'll go answers like John Fable's "All of Me" or most anything from Marvin Gaye. Only, as you know, the capital "R" in Romantic music is works composed in the Romantic style, which arose during the Romantic Menstruum. Simply what characterizes Romantic Period music? How did it evolve? These are some of the questions we'll answer here.

Short clarification of what Romantic Era music is

At its core, composers of the Romantic Era saw music as a means of individual and emotional expression. Indeed, they considered music the art class near capable of expressing the total range of homo emotion. As a result, romantic composers broadened the scope of emotional content. Music was expected to communicate to the audition, oftentimes by using a narrative form that told distinct stories.

Romantic composers prioritized the emotional or narrative content of the music to a higher place its form, which is why they broke so many of the classical composers' rules. Romantic composers didn't decline or suspension with the musical language adult during the Classical Menstruation. They used its forms as a foundation for their work just felt unconstrained by them.

Beethoven is the originator of this approach. He lived and worked during the transition from the Classical to the Romantic Period, and was an inspiration to the Romantic composers who came after him.

Beethoven's symphonies "shift[ed] the terrain" for what a symphony could be. He also demonstrated coming Romantic Era characteristics, such as composing auto-biographical works and naming movements, such every bit the tertiary motion of his Cord Quartet No. 15 in A small-scale, Op. 132 (Song of Thanksgiving to the Deity from a convalescent in the Lydian style).

Ultimately, Romantic composers would evolve and aggrandize the formalist Classical structure into a more complex, rich musical linguistic communication.

Origins and context of the Romantic Period

Music was a fleck late to the Romantic Flow party. Historians debate over the start and end dates of the Romantic Menstruum. Some date it as the xixthursday century, while others place it in the late 18th century. This is truthful for Romantic literature. Works like William Blake'south Songs of Innocence (1789) and Samuel Coleridge's Kubla Khan (1797) are considered examples of early Romantic poesy. The Romantic Era hit its footstep in the centre 1800s, encompassing all the arts and popular thought of the time.

The Romantic accent on private self-expression grew out of the political ideas of individualism born during the Age of Enlightenment. However, the Romantics rejected that historic period'due south emphasis on logic and rationality. These ideas were equally constraining equally the rules regarding Classical music forms. They also rebelled against the hallmarks of the Industrial Revolution, such as mechanization, mass production, and urbanization, which were seen every bit contrary to their vision of an idealized, natural state of being.

Much of Romantic Era art, including music, also reflected the tension and nationalism of war and revolution that swept across Europe from the French Revolution (1789) through the mid-century revolutions and on to the national unifications in the 1870s. Examples of this include the sculpture Departure of the Volunteers on the façade of Paris'due south Arc de Triomphe, which alludes to soldiers both of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars; and Castilian painter Francisco Goya's paintings depicting Castilian resistance to Napoleon.

These events, ideas, and atmosphere straight contributed to the 4 primary creative trends seen in Romantic compositions.

Four primary artistic inspirations of Romantic Era music

At present that you sympathize the context in which Romantic music adult, it will be piece of cake to understand why these are the creative themes (defined more broadly than the strict musical sense of "theme") that continually announced in works throughout the period.

  • Conveying extreme emotional states, whether motorcar-biographical, taken from a literary character or state of affairs or just a representation of being human.
  • Exploring nature, particularly its wilder aspects, such as using musical techniques to imitate the sounds of storms or evoke the atmosphere of a dense, mysterious woods.
  • Fascination with the supernatural as a reaction to scientific advances, that both demystified old behavior and created incertitude about where science might take humanity.
  • Incorporating folk music or stories as a means to proclaim or reclaim national pride.

These four themes aren't clearly delineated, as you can find many or all of them incorporated into a single piece of work. Ane of the ways Romantic composers did this was past writing pieces inspired past literature. This method gave a limerick with both a narrative and emotional framework for the composer.

Mendelssohn's scherzo from A Midsummer Night's Dream

Rise of the Musical Virtuoso

One last – yet critical – artistic inspiration developed in the Romantic Era isn't thematic, but highly personal: The composer as artiste and virtuoso. Romantic composers were often more than than merely composers. They were likely to also be performers and/or conductors. The virtuoso had both extraordinary technical proficiency and widespread acclamation. Paganini, Liszt, and Brahms are all excellent examples of the Romantic virtuoso.

The origins of the musical virtuoso are both artistic and practical.  Romanticism is about self-expression, peculiarly through an artist'due south self-expression. Thus, Romantic composers felt free to strain and twist the Classical musical forms in increasingly personal ways. Today we phone call it "branding." Still even then, Romantic composers were searching for a way to develop their vocalization through their music, one which was recognizable to audiences.

Composers of the time had more than personal, creative freedom because they no longer worked nether the noble patronage system that defined the Baroque and Classical Eras. Composers and musicians no longer worked at the pleasance of a duke or prince. The Industrial Revolution lead to a population boom, and many people were living in the growing cities. A broad middle class adult that had some dispensable income and fourth dimension to appreciate the arts. The artists followed the people, performing at festivals and other public concerts. The arts centers had moved away from the castles in the countryside to the cities.

In short, Romantic composers could find popular and financial success by composing audience-pleasing works. All the same, this besides led to an artistic tension that remains today: The degree to which the composer gave total expression to their personal, artistic motivations (the artiste side) or whether they restrained themselves to please ticket-buying audiences. This rise of the musical virtuoso is also one reason why the Romantic Era saw the growth of the music critic, similar E.T.A. Hoffmann. Music critics helped laymen audiences navigate this new artistic world.

How Romantic Era music separated itself from Classical music

The language of Romantic Era music didn't suspension with its Classical predecessors then much as it expanded its vocabulary and felt free to ignore Classical formalism. For case, Schubert's Unfinished doesn't confine itself to traditional eight-bar phrasing.

Nor did composers feel constrained to limit a piece of work's exploration of different keys, as evidenced in Mahler's Symphony No. 2.

In addition to breaking existing rules, Romantic composers also developed new techniques or reinvigorated lesser used ones to express a more than all-encompassing array of emotional and narrative states. They used more extended melodies, broader ranges of tone, pitch, and tempo – more sophisticated harmonies. Some key innovations from the Romantic Era include:

  • Chromatic harmonies were making greater use of semitones and unusual chord progressions.
  • Melodies associated with an external reference, like a character or emotion existence expressed. Wagner pioneered this thought with the leitmotif.
  • Not relying on cadence to resolve a passage, merely allowing for "unending melody."
  • Use of rubato, adjusting tempo to reflect the level of emotional intensity the music should convey at that moment.
  • Increased tempos and complicated rhythms that demanded extraordinary precision and technical skill to exist performed.
  • Greater use of techniques similar sul ponticello (bowing about the span) and sul tasto (bowing virtually the fingerboard).

Romantic composers took advantage of a diverseness of mechanical innovations to explore richer dynamics and tones. Specifically, improvements in instrumental construction, every bit well equally the creation of new instruments. The broader range and improvement of instruments immune Romantic composers to express more precise gradations of volume and tone. This included longer, soaring crescendos and diminuendos. Information technology also allowed them to make greater jumps in tone and book, creating a new sort of discordance.

Changes in Instruments during the Romantic Period

The piano significantly evolved during the Romantic Period. For case, the number of physical keys expanded from five to eight octaves. The materials used to construct pianoforte frames shifted from wood to metallic, and the durability of the metal used to industry its strings improved. These improvements enriched the pitch range and tonal quality of the piano.

Similarly, the materials used to construct woodwind instruments also improved and expanded their musical quality and variability. Innovations, such equally developing the valve for brass instruments, also contributed to a more arable variety of sounds. As did the invention of entirely new instruments, like the Wagner tuba.

All the same, one of the well-nigh significant changes to instrumentation during the Romantic Era wasn't the nature of the instruments individually, but changes in the instrumentation of the works.

Changes to the orchestra during the Romantic Period

A disquisitional means of expanding the expressiveness of the music  – primarily through tonal color, broader dynamics, and richer harmonies – was past increasing the number of instruments required to perform the composition. An extreme example of this is Mahler'southward Symphony No. 8 in E-flat major (Symphony of a K), which requires two choirs and 120 musicians, including over lxx string musicians.

Orchestras from the Classical Era typically had effectually 30 musicians. The orchestra continued to abound and evolve throughout the Romantic Period, settling into the orchestra we know today.

As alluded to to a higher place, the current of air and brass sections grew through the addition of a variety of instruments, such every bit the piccolo and contrabassoon, both of which greatly expanded the tonal range of the music. The percussion section also saw numerous instruments added, from bass drums to the triangle.

The string section as well expanded. Information technology remained comprised of the same four instruments: violin, viola, cello, and double bass. However, the number of each string instrument increased. Enlargin the number of strings immune for the creation of more than subsets within the string department. Romantic composers would use different configurations of pocket-sized groups of strings to deepen the texture and contrasts inside a work.

Another orchestral innovation of the period was intermittent use of non-traditional instruments. Say, cannons needed for Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture every bit one extreme example.

An expanded orchestra was needed to perform the longer, more dramatic symphonies from the Romantic Era. While the symphony exploded to new intensity during this time, the menstruum is also notable for composers creating a diversity of types of "miniature" works.

Changes in musical forms during the Romantic Menstruum

We've seen that formal Classical structures, such as composing symphonies with only four movements, were set aside by Romantic composers. They also composed single-motility works in a diverseness of distinct forms:

  • The etude was a brusk limerick intended to both showcase virtuoso skill and as a training practise for students. Paganini's 24 Caprices for Solo Violin falls into this category, as do many of Chopin's works for the piano.
  • The prelude, used in earlier eras to introduce a more complete work, was composed as a stand up-lone work. Romantic composers did the aforementioned with the overture, such as Tchaikovsky'south Romeo and Juliet.

  • The impromptu was a short piece meant to sound as if it was being improvised at that moment. As such, impromptus were typically single musical instrument works. Nigh impromptus were written for the piano, yet can exist arranged for cord instruments.

  • There were too many formats originating from national or folk music, such as the German language lied, Smooth polonaise and mazurka, and Viennese flit.

Another important sub-genre of Romantic composition was intended to tell a specific story or pigment a particular scene – program music, which may be a single movement or may take multiple movements.

Ascent and scope of programme music in the Romantic Catamenia

Program music is music that tells a detached story. Information technology could exist a story from the composer's life or his imagination. Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique: An Episode in the life of an Artist, in V Parts, was the detailed recounting of the composer's unrequited love for a famous actress of the day. Each motion is named:

  • Passions
  • A Ball
  • Scene in the Fields
  • March to the Scaffold
  • Dream of a Night of the Sabbath

As you tin tell from the names of the movements, the arc of this story doesn't go well for the artist. Berlioz handed out programs at the performances to explain the story.

In other cases, the story was taken from literature, mythology, or local sociology. Dvorák'southward The Gilded Spinning Wheel is a work based on a Czech poem that tells the story of doomed love and murderous women.

The assumption of programme music is that it must have program notes to share with the audience and explain the work. That may have been truthful when it first gained its greatest popularity during the Romantic Period, but handing out notes isn't the defining characteristic of plan music.  In part because programme music didn't take to tell a narrative story, but could be used to evoke the spirit of a time or place.

The symphonic or tone verse form, a popular form of program music from the Romantic era, was intended to pigment a scene where information technology transports the listener, which may or may not be a narrative story. For example, Sibelius composed numerous tone poems from one-time Finnish mythology, but composed others meant to invoke the spirit of his country and inspire patriotism, such as Finlandia.

Thus, Romantic Era tone poems run the full gamut of Romantic Era inspiration, from sharing intense emotional journeys, re-telling stories from Greek mythology or European literature, exploring fantastical settings (both natural and supernatural), and as odes to a country or culture.

Nationalist expression in Romantic Catamenia music

Sibelius's Finlandia is an example of overt nationalism in Romantic music. In some cases, the piece of work wasn't meant every bit a patriotic vocal per se just explicitly drew on folk music traditions the composer wanted to highlight. During the Classical Era, which prioritized the universality of strict, logical forms including strains of folk songs in music composed for nobles, would take been seen as provincial – at all-time. However, the cocky-expression popular during the Romantic Period oft came out as patriotic beloved for local traditions during a time of war. Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodies exemplify this approach.

I need not have been of a item nation or ethnicity to include its music in new works. High german Protestant Brahms turned to Hungarian-Jewish violinists to explore Hungarian themes he used in his Hungarian Dances. Dvorak was hired equally Music Manager of the National Conservatory of Music of America in function to develop an American classical musical linguistic communication based on American folk music. His New Globe Symphony was the result.

The approach of using lands foreign to the composer as inspiration was akin to the nationalist trend and called "exoticism." The distinction between exoticism and nationalism could go blurry. Verdi's Aida, a story placed in Egypt, was commissioned past Cairo's Royal Opera. Puccini's Turandot, based on a commedia dell'arte play written in the 18th century, was ready in Cathay.

Exploring Romantic Composers and Their Works

We've covered a number of Romantic Era composers and some of their works. Equally an artistic epoch spanning anywhere from 80 years to slightly over a century, information technology spawned a huge book of amazing composers and music. We named our Spotify list of Romantic Era music "twenty Hours of the All-time Music from the Romantic Era," and it covers a lot! You'll see we broke it upwardly by course, from symphonies to tone poems through concertos and string ensembles and closing off with the operas and ballets.

If you lot prefer to start with the "must-know" listing of Romantic Era composers, and then check out this listing of ten of the most influential. You'll find some composers already discussed, plus a few others. For each composer, we've also linked ane boggling functioning of ane their most important works.

Romanticism evolves to its logical conclusion: Post-Romanticism

As the foundation of Romantic artistic ideas was personal expression and rule-breaking. It'southward not surprising that the musical style continued to evolve in significant ways, and by the tardily 19th century, composers were becoming more abstract in regards to the atmosphere and sentiments they wanted to limited – a musical class of Impressionism. They were likewise starting to break the "rules" of the Romantics past returning to Classical forms inspired past popular Romantic themes of mysticism and the grotesque. Mahler is a prime number instance of a composer who bridges the Romantic and Post-Romantic Eras. Eventually, the rule-breaking pioneered by the Romantics evolved to the Modernists and Mail-modernists, similar John Cage, who seems to take rejected the idea of aesthetic rules entirely.

It's no wonder the music of the Romantic Period, with its expressiveness and penchant for telling dramatic stories, remains one the near popular eras of classical music.

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Above Images: Gustav Mahler, courtesy of wikicommons, and Edvard Grieg, De Agostini/A. Dagli Orti/Getty Images.

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